Principal Investigator
Ahmad Kabir
Dr. Kabir is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Biology at the University of Louisiana Monroe. He was raised in Bangladesh and completed his doctoral studies in Molecular Plant Physiology at Flinders University, Australia. Dr. Kabir performed postdoctoral research at Stockholm University and worked as a faculty member for several years at the University of Rajshahi. Recently, Dr. Kabir conducted his second postdoctoral research at the University of Georgia before establishing his own laboratory in August 2023.
Graduate Student
Asha Thapa
Asha earned her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She is conducting her research to understand how Trichoderma afroharzianum T22 host genetic factors and interacts with other soil microbes and helps pea crops cope with Fe deficiency. Asha likes gardening.
Graduate Student
Md Rokibul Hasan
Roki started his journey in Spring 2024. He is studying the influence of Fe status on host genetic determinants and plant microbiome in soybean genetic lines exposed to concurrent stress to Fe deficiency and drought. Roki likes to travel.
Undergraduate Student
Sulab Niroula
Sulab is testing several bacterial and fungal microbial consortia to improve growth and drought tolerance in maize cultivated in both sterile and natural soil system.
Undergraduate Student
Salim Miya
Salim joined the lab in Fall 2024 and is working on the genetic screening of sorghum genotypes for tolerance to combined Fe deficiency and drought.
Undergraduate Student
Dikshya Siwakoti
Dikshya started her research journey in Fall 2024 as a freshman, studying the effect of Variovorax paradoxus on sorghum exposed to salinity.
Undergraduate Student
Trinity Hatten
Trinity is very enthusiastic about learning biology and is exploring the interactions of beneficial microbes through co-culture plating. Trinity likes to indulge in the arts and exercise.
Kritika Mahat (undergraduate student) - Fall 2023
Sandhya Paudel (undergraduate student) - Fall 2023